Portugal é Mini

This was a project done in 2017 while I was on na internship in Grand Union Portugal. While I Was at Grand Union Portugal, I participated in projects with Sagres, Yorne and Galo.

#PortugaléMini. I've been involved in this project since the photos were taken, as production assistant, until the post-production of 8 photographys. In the Grand Union, I learned the best ways to do post-production and understanding the client.

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In order to do this project, I did a set of photographys, where I show the Jurney of a pair of a ballet shoes. I just used grayscale images with some details in pink, to make people see, the details of the image. The inspiration for this work was the book “Pride and Prejudice”, I was inspired by the 2 main characters.

My principal objective with this set of images was to show the internal dichotomy of the character. Because of this, I did a “fragile” and “shy” character and on the other side, exists a character who is exactly the opposite, “strong” and “confident”. I use myself to do the 2 characters, so people could notice that they were, her 2 personalities and the path of her acceptance.

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This was a schoolar project where we had the mission to express our feelings and disconfort about one of the developed themes about the book “Feminism for the 99%”. I choose this two themes to abord “Capitalism tries to structure sexuality” and “In capitalist societies, gender oppression is rooted in the subordination of social reproduction to production for profit”. When I made the search and saw a patern since the biggining of the videogames industrie, where usually woman, only exists at the videogames for 2 reasons. 1- to be a trophy of the main caracter and 2- to be a sex simbol.

I dicided to do a awareness campaign of the women rights called #WeCanPlayIt where I sensitized the public for the retrograde and sexist premise of the videogames in the 21st century. I did a direct comparation on liken the videogames with the comics of the 50’s, since they have almost the same values. The #WeCanPlayIt, was created to show the world all the great achievements of the women at the gamming industrie.

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◊ #WeCanPlayit (PDF)


This was a project, where we needed to expose the dichotomy between too things and do a book about it. I decided to abord the theme of the new generation of fairy tales and the oldies, more properly Frozen vs Snow Queen.

So, I planned all the the book, using the original text of Snow queen as a basis, and adding some “notes” as if, it was written by the frozen authors (for all the notes I used the book “The Art of frozen” and the book “Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales”). All Illustrations are from the book “The Art of frozen”.

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◊ Editorial Project (PDF)


I did some Projects in the school environment about web-design. The last work I did about web-design was this web-site. My personal/professional web-site. I did It all since the web-design to the HTML-5, CSS to JavaScript.

Other web-site, where I did the design with the designer Liliana Rodrigues was this “Algorithm - How To Cope 101”. In this project we explained, nowadays problems with the algorithms on the internet and we questioned the public about what they knew about the topic.

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◊ Website - Algorithm / How To Cope 101